More than $600,000 has been raised for 39 Norfolk charities since 0ur first meeting in May 2014!  What an accomplishment!  How did we do it?  One hundred dollars ($100) four times per year times 170+ members (Membership fluctuates).  Who has benefited?  A total of 39 Norfolk Charities who service thousands of Norfolk residents.

November 2, 2023100 Women Who Care Norfolk receive the Simcoe & District Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Community Service Award sponsored by Good Redden Klosler.   

December 2023 – Execulink Telecom acknowledged 100 Women Who Care Norfolk as a recipient of their Gifts of Christmas Holiday Donation Program. This program expresses their gratitude and appreciation for the incredible work non-profit organizations do in the local community.  100 Women Who Care Norfolk received a $500 cheque.  This money will be distributed to each of the 2024 charities and $100 will be donated to the Army, Navy, Air Force in recognition for their kindness in allowing us to use their facilities for our meetings since 2014 at no charge.


February 2024 Update: The successful recipient of $17,200 was the Norfolk Community Help Centre presented by Nancy Hildebrand, Executive Director (nominated by Rudi Atkinson).
The other two charities who presented were Trinity Anglican Church (nominated by Kathryn Duwyn, presented by Rick Duwyn) and Port Dover Senior Centre (nominated by Kim Palermo, presented by Sue Finnie).  

The Norfolk Community Help Centre operates out of Langton and services Low German Mennonites.  Their objective is to empower individuals to realize their full potential through programs and services to assist with settlement, employment and family support.  The Moms & Tots program offers women the opportunity to learn English, develop friendships, build a positive self-image and gain confidence to live, work and thrive in Canada.  They partner with the Grand Erie District School Board to provide an avenue for these women to pursue and obtain their OSSD.  To date, 66 women have graduated.  While women attend these programs, childcare is offered to all participants. 

Pictured left to right: Sue Goble & Beth Redden, 100 Women Who Care Norfolk, Nancy Hildebrand, Executive Director Norfolk Community Help Centre and Rudi Atkinson, nominating member.

To learn more details about this charity as well all previous successful charities, go to the “Charities” tab on this web site. 

Are you someone who is interested in helping others but is stretched for time?

Do you want to be a part of an empowered group of women who want to make a direct, positive and immediate effect on the lives of others – right here in Norfolk County?

Would you like to network with other like-minded women in Norfolk County?

The May 15, 2024 Meeting will be held at the Army, Navy, Airforce building in Simcoe. The meeting will begin at 7 pm sharp.

On a meeting-by-meeting basis, it will be decided whether we have “in person” or “email” meetings.  Our members will be notified approximately one month in advance.  It is our goal to meet safely & responsibly.

Army, Navy & Air Force Bldg., 53 Water Street, Simcoe Corner of Culver & Water, Simcoe – enter off Culver Street.

2024 Meeting dates:
February 14, May 15, August 14, November 13.   If you have questions, PLEASE CONTACT for details.  


What is this Organization? What is expected of me?

  • There are four one hour meetings each year
  • To become a member you are required to sign a Commitment Form agreeing to donate $100 per meeting, 4 times a year whether or not in attendance
  • At each meeting, 3 representatives will make a 5 minute presentation on their charity
  • After the presentation, the members will vote by secret ballot. The charity receiving the most votes will receive all the donations E.g. 100 members x $100 = $10,000
  • The charity agrees that the funds will remain in Norfolk, will be used to benefit programs locally and will not be used for administrative costs
  • Income tax receipts will be distributed once per year (February)