How We Work

  • Each member commits to donating $100 per meeting, four times per year – Total of $400 per year
  • Quarterly meetings are conducted in one hour or less
  • Each member is required to sign a “Commitment FormCLICK HERE
  • Any active member* may nominate a charity for consideration (Refer to “Charity Submission Fact Sheet” CLICK HERE )
  • At each meeting, 3 charities will be selected at random. The nominating member or a representative of the nominated charity must be prepared to make a 5 minute presentation. Reference “Presentation Information Sheet” CLICK HERE . This template should be used as a guideline for any presentation. Q&A will be included during this presentation
  • Each member will vote by secret ballot for one of the three charities
  • Each member will write a cheque (prior to leaving the meeting) for $100 to the charity receiving the most votes (If members are not able to attend the meeting, they are encouraged to send their cheque with a friend to the meeting or drop off their donation in advance of the meeting.  All cheques/donations must be received within one week of the meeting date.

The Result

  • 100 members x $100 = $10,000 (Membership as of February 2024 is 174 = $17,400)


  • The majority rules. All members agree to pay $100 to the charity who received the most votes
  • Members will receive a tax receipts once per year (February)
  • Members who are unable to attend the meeting are expected to send their cheque with another member
  • Charities under consideration must serve Norfolk County
  • A charity not selected may be submitted again
  • Any charity selected will not be eligible for a three year period
  • Members may submit names of multiple charities
  • Ties will be decided by additional votes. If a tie persists, the members will vote to either a) draw for the successful candidate b) divide the donation into equal parts
  • The selected charity agrees to protect member’s personal information (except for tax purposes)
  • Each meeting will include an update on how the funds donated at the previous meeting were utilized

* Member must have signed a Commitment Form and must be current with her donations