100 Women Loca Impact
August 28, 2022

What an accomplishment by 100 Women Who Care Norfolk!  How did we do it?  One hundred dollars ($100) four times per year x 165 members x 8 years. (Membership has fluctuated since 2014 but is currently 165 members).  Who has benefited?    33 Norfolk Charities who service thousands of Norfolk residents.

The most recent recipient at our August 2022 meeting of $16,500 is Youth Unlimited/YFC Norfolk (presented by Julia Easey).

Their mission is, “We see the hope and potential in every young person”.  Youth Unlimited/YFC is committed to helping youth develop holistically by offering programs and developing relations that nurture the whole person – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially & spiritually.  All programs are free and use different community volunteers to help lead the youth…whether it be practically by learning new skills, physically by providing food or spiritually.

Sarah Rutledge, Youth Centre Director says, “This money will be used to improve our kitchen and washroom facilities.  Our washroom facilities are not currently wheelchair accessible.  The labour will be provided by volunteers. We are so grateful for this financial infusion.  It will make a huge improvement at our location….we are thrilled.” Youth Unlimited/YFC Norfolk is located at 32 Union Street in Simcoe.

The other 2 charities who presented were:  Friends of the Library Norfolk – Dolly Parton Imagination Library (Nancy Sherwin) and Purrfect Companions of Norfolk (Angie Grice).

Youth Unlimited/YFC Norfolk - August 2022

Pictured left to right: Kathy Caskenette, Beth Redden, Julia Easey, Michelle Grummett, Sue Goble from 100 Women Who Care Norfolk and Sarah Rutledge, Youth Centre Director

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