Charities Supported

Results: February 9, 2023

The February 2023 Meeting Raised $16,900 for St. Vincent de Paul

Another productive meeting!  We are so grateful to all our dedicated members who continue to support Norfolk Charities.  We are proud to announce that we added 4 new members this evening!  WELCOME!  The successful recipient of $16,900 is St. Vincent de Paul presented by Linda Boll. The other charities who were selected to present were Waterford Skatepark (Jill Chuli) and Lynnwood … Continue reading "The February 2023 Meeting Raised $16,900 for St. Vincent de Paul"

Results: November 10, 2022

For the first time in 2 1/2 years, the November 2022 Meeting was “in-person”!

Just under 50 members attended the November 9th 2022 meeting at the Army, Navy, Airforce Building in Simcoe. The successful recipient was Friends of the Library Norfolk presented by Nancy Sherwin.  The $16,700 will be used to fund the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program. There are currently 412 children registered, with 50 on the waiting … Continue reading "For the first time in 2 1/2 years, the November 2022 Meeting was “in-person”!"

Results: August 28, 2022

Over $500,000 Raised for Norfolk County Charities

What an accomplishment by 100 Women Who Care Norfolk!  How did we do it?  One hundred dollars ($100) four times per year x 165 members x 8 years. (Membership has fluctuated since 2014 but is currently 165 members).  Who has benefited?    33 Norfolk Charities who service thousands of Norfolk residents. The most recent recipient … Continue reading "Over $500,000 Raised for Norfolk County Charities"

Results: May 27, 2022

100 Women Who Care Norfolk Celebrate 8th Anniversary – Donate $16,500 to Cancer Support & Resource Program

The successful selected charity at the May 2022 meeting was the Cancer Support and Resource Program (CSRP) which was presented by Bettyann Carty.  This local program will get a boost of $16,500 which will be spent on food/gas vouchers for families as they travel to and from hospitals for treatments, bill payments (hydro/gas), parking passes … Continue reading "100 Women Who Care Norfolk Celebrate 8th Anniversary – Donate $16,500 to Cancer Support & Resource Program"

Results: February 10, 2022

100 Women Who Care Norfolk Donate $16,400 to the Norfolk Refugee Committee

In February 2022, 164 Norfolk ladies met “virtually” and selected the Norfolk Refugee Committee as the recipient of $16,400.  While the NRC has sponsored 3 families since 2016, these funds will be used to help support a family of five (5) currently living in Jordan. This family fled Syria when their town was bombed repeatedly … Continue reading "100 Women Who Care Norfolk Donate $16,400 to the Norfolk Refugee Committee"